Go away! Leave me alone! Stop asking! I like video games, fishing, fucking and Newgrounds. That's "ROGER" in the pic, sadly he passed away 28th Mar 2019. He's greatly missed. I quit smoking weed after 33yrs & cig's after 38yrs. Bad habits can be broken.

Age 57, Male




Joined on 12/16/02

Exp Points:
57,087 / 100,000
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
10.03 votes
Audio Scouts
Sup. Commander
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
11m 30d

gamejunkie's News

Posted by gamejunkie - March 6th, 2009

Hi there fellow Newgrounder. For your viewing pleasure, I have made for those of you that may be interested, an easy to read, Concise and Overall view of my most up to date points and various statistics. Feel free to browse and comment. Edited occasionally when possible..

Sign-Up Date: 16/12/02

Level: 60

Aura: Evil/Gamer

Status: Portal Mod.

Rank: Elite Guard Supreme Commander (with extra Anchovies)

Voting Power Increase: 60%

Blams: 29,717

Saves: 60,988

Total B/P: 90,705

B/P Rank #: 49

P/B Ratio #: 2.05

Whistle Status: Deity

Experience Points: 55,197 / 100,000

Experience Rank #: 109

Base Voting Power: 10.03

Total Voting Power: 16.048

Voting Power Rank #: ??

BBS Posts: 6,093

BBS Posts Per Day:

Flash Reviews: 397

Flash Review Responses: 131

Flash Review Response Ratio: 33.03%

Audio Reviews: 16

Audio Review Responses: 13

Audio Review Response Ratio: 81.3%

Total Stats: 152,408

Medal Games: 1,959

Medals: 11,017

Medal Points: 187,170

Total Stats (inc Medals): 163,425

Audio Submissions: 32

Audio Trophies: 1

Game Submissions: 1 (Collab)

Days since 1st NG Log On: 7,708 days or (21 years, 1 month, 7 days)

Overall NG Hexalist Stats Ranking: ? and Quad-listed

Fun Fact. I am the holder of 15 World Records on the Nintendo Wii. 8 outright World Records on G1 Jockey, 2 equal World Records on Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WW2, 4 equal World Records on Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games and 1 equal World Record on Sega Bass Fishing. More coming soon.

Massive thanks to Pingu for the awesome sig.

Portal Moderators LIst  

AlexanderAsandirBigBossDeckyExedorForNoReasongamejunkie, JayJollySectussimonTehSlapHappyZachary, and ZJ

These are Mods that you can PM about Stolen Flash or Shovelware Games that are submitted to the Flash Portal. Before contacting a Portal Mod, you should first post a link to the offending game in The Elite Guard Barracks. This list will be updated as needed.


NG Lovers Unite and Save the Portal from Spammers!

Cookie Cutter and Shovelware Crap and Stolen Games Submitters.

0312hf, 1277273839, 173681019, 2004tamp, 2pplay, acoolgames, ajazgames, Angy3, AfricanStud, asitgames, Attol, audreylyl648, babydora, babyxuxule, bachiin, bagata (yes, he's on both lists), batucanclouden, bianji, brightestgames, cooopo, DakDawg, davidstarr777, devrachna, dofreegames, dragonstudio, dressupone, Eightgames, ElliotYukon, Enagames, Enagames1, enjoydressup, enjoyflashgame, Epicman34, escape007games, eskombro, EternalLegend, evitapal, fakitaki, fgamepub, figames, firingtime.com, firstescapegames, fishbath1998, flanbit, flashcode, flashgamecode, flashgamex2, flobzoo, flynntech, freegames0001, FreeS, fzzw, gahe, game4joy, gamegrow35, gamegrow129, gamegrow161, gamegrow221, gamergoogle, gamer9119, gamesgrow, gamesrishti, gamestwoplayer, gameswala, GAMOLITION, gangofgamers, ggames123, girlsgames01, goldgame21, GoldXbox360, gracegirlsgames, growcpmid11, HiddenEscape, henrymassingale, hiddenobjectonline, hotgamesa, huangjingames, huistk, IamSamJackson, igirlgames, im2short2die89, inchstudio, inocreato, Jas-mine, JeffBee, jingcheng2013, joackim, kungfuwin.com, lastfreegames, lemonindieg, lemonindiej, lisa-joy, MagicCube, MahBoi999, manchebt, manu499, mariogamesonline, marydressupgames, maxfod, max2014, mb2games, meimei123, memorytest, mickthepenguinNG, micomodesto002, milkcoffee, mine-n-craft-1990, mirchigames, mj24a, mj25a, Mugenify4389, myhiddengame, Nephir aka (mrblackcherry), NintendoBoy51, Nodog438, OnlineFlash, onlyfungames, onyx009, Oriental13, ourgames, philipv11, pickmygame, p00pn00b2, popgals, qingfengges, qywlgames, sakthivel, SandraKim, Santoto, shivam29, SilverFlux, sindygame, smileydressup, sparrow12all, SpiffyJUNIOR, stewardhklarlover, Tenbow, thexdbros, tibaco, UltimateChibi, vitalitygames, vitorbras, willinggames, win1game, wolfandrabbit, wowsomegames, wudonggame, yanzi, YoopyGames, yyplay, zhanglinan, Zoe123456, zygomaticgames.

Then there's the general portal spammers or known file swappers like the following idiots, 111122223188, - Inferno - or Reaperssythe, AbbazabaClock, AbrahamLinconInDaHud, AlbericciSoup, Asalraalaikum, aspamacount, aspamalt, AtiCrist, Atomlad, badfurrykitty, bagata, bedsidetable2, BFK, Blank Screen, BradGarrett, Brick-Toppp, bryce, Caecilius, CanidianHeart, carljohnson, Cereal, ChampionAnwar, Charcoal125, ChemicalVengence, Chewy2007, ChristianAndJustice, Clock-Ninja, copenhagen1, CrashYourDead, DaVeB0T or DaveB0rt or daveb0at, DayInTheLife, Death619, Detached, DevoKitten, doctor-gordon formerly lolmetaknight, Dont-Touch-My-Muffin, doublejeopardy, dylanlip1, EDGe0wnz, F4Gg0T, Fagin, falcon176, Fallenanzel, FatBadger, Fautzo, FazzyPlex, flameblue59, FlatBadger, Flee, Fleek, Friday, GANGSTABIGBIRD, garfrield-da-cat, Gaycied, GAYDADBUTTFAG, Genderless-Hooker, golfinho, gross, Grub-Xer0, hammityville, Heil, homerhoarde, HSR, Hulalaoo, icerevolution, imakeshit123, insan0, JackLennon11, jar131313, jarjarbinks3, Jehosapha, Jibbix, JoePimpz, Joey-Kazaam, JujubeLock, katie, Kavinel, kaxblastard, KcubAtsim, kieranboy1, killdr0p020, kimmidori-san, kirbykrew, KittyDot, KittyKrew, konata-izumi, KovioXZ, Kr0nic666, Krutches, Lasse, LikkleFazzyPlexd, llaBswanS, Lochymacleod, lolimaster, lord-lonic, LordZeebmork, Magyar, MalMoo, MAYORMCHEESE, metaknightPWNS, MiracleFruitClock, MisterLevon, m0zzFUCKER, MrFinland, NGPro, nihilistikmystik, NintendoClock, Noel-Ranger, Norfag, NvidiaClock, Orangebeef, PandaCakeMonster, Pansexual, PatriotClock, Peach-Socom, peixeaquatico, pikachuman25, PilotKitty, PimpinGANGSTA, Pin Clock, PinkSock, Pixonimateo, pizza4321123, PizzaDude808, Princess Laucherella, Punisher33, RobotTaco, Rummy0, SAK, Sago, SammiHanratty, SarezJay, ScaryMovieGangsta, Sevkat, Sex0r, ShadowDumpling, ShitHourGames, Sidorio, Simon Birch, SirCannabisClock, Skelig, Skwirtle, SlamDunker, SnawsBall, Snooker, sojiro-izumi, SoupSquadRulesSoup, Spinister, Splatter, squf, SquirrelsRulez, StagBeetle, Starrz, StoneLock, supersonicfighter1, Syphinox, Tadashiini, thebutt, TheEvilTomFulp, TheHeap, thehoopz, theluckystars, TheRammaJamma, TheRealShadman, TheRuining, thespazicat, The-Wade-Birgade, TomsFrulp, trestinator, T R K C, Usernamed, Vegeta40, venom0us, WackyAnimation, WinStarOS, WormsDuncan, yellowishkitten, YoYoClock, KK, FF, DD, OO, WW, RR or any others, here is what I "suggest". Watch the flash, then simply Vote Zero, but dont review, for these spamming idiots thrive on your bad, rude, malicious, negative reviews, and more often than not you will cop some sort of ban. So just dont review. Also then send a friendly message to the Negative reviewers telling them to do the exact same thing you have just learned here, (ie: Vote Zero and dont review the spammers movies), the more people that do this the quicker we can get rid of the spam crews from Newgrounds. They crave attention like seagulls crave chips, so give them none and soon enough they will go away.

SIDENOTE: Clock Crew, Lock Legion, The Star Syndicate are not part of the list, because their submissions are generally not malicious spam, and these crews are NG icons, plus most, but not all of their members submit reasonably good flashes now.

If you have visited this page and know of any other repeat offender authors that you think belong on this list, something that I may have missed, by all means PM me or leave a message on my userpage and I will more than likely add them, if necessary.


Posted by gamejunkie - February 17th, 2009

I have decided that over the next few weeks I'm going to go back through a lot of the older submissions, (games and movies) and give some genuine reviews. I feel that since authors take the time out to make these mostly wonderful submissions then I can take some time out to review them. And when I say "go back", I mean way back. Reviews a plenty on the way you wonderful authors. Crap submissions will not be reviewed.

Posted by gamejunkie - January 26th, 2009

This is my first post in 6 years of visiting Newgrounds and only because in am utterly pissed off right now. How is it that some absolute moron can post a piece of shit flash movie basically abusing all NG users, calling them Fags and other demeaning and abusive names. But when I write a scathing review knowing full well that only he will get to read it, because the review would be deleted as soon as the piece of shit flash movie was deleted, which it obviously was going to be and eventually was. No surprise there. I know the review guidelines but in this instance thought what the hell no-one would see it but the dickhead that submitted it. Only to get a message 3 minutes later from (moderator) tigerkitty telling me I have been banned from reviewing for 20 days. I have been an NG member for over 6 years, it was a first time offence and without so much as a warning banned, I quite frankly think a 20 day ban is horse shit. And lets be brutally honest you can go find hundreds of reviews worse than what I wrote that are still in the system. Make me a moderator and I would show these idiot reviewers what is what. And how come when you review something you dont like poorly the author can reply back as OFFENSIVELY as they like and get away with it, how about giving reviewers the opportunity to submit bad replies to moderators and get the authors flash movies deleted. Fair is fair, an eye for an eye and all that. Jesus H. Christ I'm 41 years old, not some idiot child or some clueless 23 year old with a bad attitude. Anyway enough ranting I'm starting to feel like Foamy. Please comment I am interested on your views. Moderators also very welcome to reply.