Go away! Leave me alone! Stop asking! I like video games, fishing, fucking and Newgrounds. That's "ROGER" in the pic, sadly he passed away 28th Mar 2019. He's greatly missed. I quit smoking weed after 33yrs & cig's after 38yrs. Bad habits can be broken.

Age 57, Male




Joined on 12/16/02

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as well as #671

Hmmm! Me thinks Spretznaz should lay off the drugs for a while. LOL!

You should at least go to a thousand. Then you're with the cool guys, like me.

I'd be happy with 1,000 but as you can see, (above) some a particular friend of mine thinks 10,000 is the number to go for. You know what they say about the snowball rolling down the hill. It just gets bigger the further it rolls, so you never know what might happen.


LOL!! Okay then.

It's good to see you posting in forums again :3
(aka welcome back)

I wasn't aware I had stopped. I had just slowed down a bit. I'm always around here somewhere. Thanks anyway.

PS: Stop looking for new Game Medal listers. I want that Top 50 spot ;-P

You ever see the Eric Bana flick "Love the Beast"? Audio mix was off, but the content was better than I expected. We had the Mustang, you guys had the Falcon, which more discerning teens here envied above all others.
I should put of a list of the crappy cars I've had over the years :P

Yes I've seen it. Great movie for what it is.

*put up a list
maybe even list the commercial machinery too.
never ran anything bigger than big-ass loader tho.

Sounds like it would be an interesting list.

Took a while, but the list is up with the pictures all linked in (no thanks to Tom, who said we could put multiple pictures on our posts last year, still waiting on that). Would've been funny if I put in the vacuum cleaners and other floor machines! A piss poor car history is better than none at all :3
Maybe after 1000 comments, you could put up a list or two like that?

If I posted a list like that it would most likely offend a few people so I think I will refrain from doing so.

Dude... there is not ONE THING under judgement right now! Haven't seen this happen since, I don't know when!
P-Bot must be having one helluva a case of constipation; nothing's come through since 3pm Thursday. Maybe the new social features?

The site has been having some problems over the last couple of days. I'm wondering if uploading flashes is also a problem at the moment. It went from 50+ under judgement to None.

Offensive car list, really? Only in your country dude, could owning one brand or another be considered a mug smashing offense! I guess it beats sports violence, but it looks like every country in the world has that :|
What's your take on all this cross-linked, social-stuff the site's gotten into? I trust Tom well enough, but with Google search in the site, I'm not so sure.... Or is my case of future shock from the late 80's making a big resurgence?

Cross linked social stuff had to happen to keep NG alive IMO.
The car list would be offensive to a lot of people because I really only had one shitty car when I was young but when I got my inheritance I spent lots of money on it and basically made a Rally Race car out of it. Every other car I've owned has been what most would consider out of their reach. So I don't really have a 'Crappy Car' list per se`.

Say, you ever make UOTD or win the Monthly voting prize?
Also, later this month, I'll have been here for 12 years... any ideas on how to celebrate? Was thinking about scotch, old heavy metal and being belligerent in the BBS.

Never to the UOTD or Monthly Voting.
Heavy Metal sounds good but I'm not a drinker so that decision shall be yours alone.

I just took a chilling trip down memory lane. Old sci-fi shows we used to watch.
Early Dr. Who, Buck Rogers, the Tomorrow People, Space 1999, Steel and Sapphire....

Early Dr Who - Awesome. Buck Rogers they still air here (and I still watch) (Erin Gray - Yummmmmmy!!!) - Awesome. Tomorrow People was one of my all time favourites which I haven't seen for about 20 years - Awesome. Space 1999 (Martin Landau - God, Young Barbara Bain - Hubba Hubba, Young Catherine Schell - Hubba Hubba with a dash of Yummmmmy!!) - Awesome ++. I just came a bit in my undies. Steel and Sapphire - Never heard of it.
I'm sure we might be family you know. Our similarities in stuff are so uncannily close it scares me sometimes.

Heh, yeah, it's like we went to the same high school or something. Ah, Erin Grey had the cat suits, but it was the princess that showed so much skin.... dude, watched the pilot episode for the first time since it aired 30+ years ago, it's like the best soft-core porn out there! And Mel Blanc's voice as the fidget robot... priceless. Now I know where the script for Demolition Man came from.
Whoops, reversed it <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sapphire_and_steel">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sapphire_and_stee l</a> - very creepy and existential pre-version of the X-Files; made absolutely no sense.

Do you have a link for the Pilot Episode of Buck Rogers? I would love to watch it.

...had a discectomy yesterday :| Apparently I starting choking halfway through, thanks to my busted sinuses... they knocked me out too soon after I got into position. There was blood, and the tube they shoved down my throat while I was out really, rly sucked. And there were 6 needles checking resistance in several regions - hope I didn't pull any of em out. <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discectomy">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discectomy</a>
The hospital fucked up the doctors orders, and I never got a pain scrip. Nurses told me to call, but the pharmacy's little sales-rep 4 banger wasn't gonna get up my driveway (got 5 inches o snow and drifts). Least he called today..... I'll hit him up when I see him in 3 days, fuck pain :|

I feel for you dude. I can totally empathise/sympathise with you for what you're going through. I'm glad as fuck all those days are well gone past for me. They know what's wrong, I know what's wrong, no more prodding and probing for me. Thank God. NO PAIN KILLERS!! FUCK THAT!!

Too late! Called him Sunday of all days, after I woke up with pains in places, that had nothing to do with the actual knifing I got. If I turn into a pill junkie, you have my permission to phaser my head clean off. Those stupid nerves will fall into place soon enough.

Pff, yeah, totally done with needles and scans. If I wanted that, I'd go to the local airport, which really doses the shit out of you (full body xrays). Wonder how much cesium they burn up for 'national security'? Summer heat been more normal lately?

Oh, durr. Got the Buck Rogers episode from torrents via Frostwire. Tried to write to you the day I got sliced up, but I guess it didn't happen. Messed up a whole crock pot of chili bro, damn near cried. However, the cayenne pepper overdose was cured by sugar and lemon juice, whew!


Hey man, haven't said hi in a while.

It's true you haven't. Hi back!

So what's the over and under on this passing?
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/611286">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/611286</a>

It got Blammed in the last few days. I remember seeing it and zeroing it, so I'm hoping it will get Blammed again. But I'm still not overly optimistic.

Was hoping an illness was not the case. Do take care, eat honey, vitamin C, yadda-yadda.

Just my back giving me some serious grief.
Honey! Yuck!

How's life treating you these days

Not too good unfortunately. I spent probably close to 20 hours a day for 14 of the last 18 days in bed in excruciating pain.

How's the new brace? Word of advise: take the bugger off at least an hour before you go to bed, or else you'll be up in 2-3 hours having to take a slash :\

It still hasn't arrived. It should arrive in the next couple of days. Actually I got it specifically for sleeping because I twist and turn and roll over lots when I'm sleeping and I rarely get more than 3 hours sleep when I'm sleeping anyway so I doubt removing it would make too much difference.

I tried sleeping with mine, but my guts kinda went over to one side and the support wasn't as good. Guess your brace was made specifically for sleeping and I do hope it lives up to expectations! There are times I would've eaten cold cat shit to keep the pain away.

I'll let you know how it goes. I'm getting a Shock Doctor 838 Ultra Back Support. https://www.shockdoctor.com/ultra -back-support if you want to have a look.

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