
gamejunkie's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 11,251 (From 2,001 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 191,925 Points

A Christmas 'Goyle

Medals Earned: 4/8 (50/135 points)

Hey That Tickles 5 Points

What are you trying to do, you weirdo?

The Demon of Christmas 10 Points

Beat the game on Easy.

To Clip the Wings of an Angel 10 Points

Make your way to an angel and kill it.

Tethered from the Heavens 25 Points

Kill the archangel.

Oh Christmas Tree 5 Points

Who needs a christmas tree when you have a mother*cking gargoyle demon?!

The Agon of Angels 5 Points

Their like krabs that never leave...

The Saviour of Christmas 25 Points

Beat the game on Normal.

The Legend of Christmas 50 Points

Beat the game on Hard.

A Christmas Quest

Medals Earned: 4/20 (20/180 points)

BELIEVE IN SANTA!!!!! 5 Points

Defeat an enemy, while having full health.

Elf 5 Points

Defeat your first enemy.

Happy Christmas 5 Points

Start Playing

Skills 5 Points

Use a skill point to increase a stat.

Alchemy 5 Points

Hold 10 potions.

Candy 5 Points

Buy the Candy cane weapon.

Gingerbread 5 Points

Beat a Gingerbread man enemy.

Gomba 5 Points

Isn't this copyright infringement?

Greeny 5 Points

Buy the Green armour.

It's dangerous to go alone, take this. 5 Points

Equip a new weapon.

Lets do dis 5 Points

Reach level 10 and unlock the boss battle.

Snape 5 Points

Buy a potion.

Snowy 5 Points

Defeat a snowman enemy.

This Game is Stupid 5 Points

Lose a battle.

Waddle 5 Points

Defeat a penguin enemy.

Badass Santa 10 Points

Reach level 15.

Black Hat 10 Points

Buy the best Amour.

Golden 10 Points

Buy the best weapon.

You Saved Christmas! 25 Points

Defeat the Santa Clone!

Golden Astronaut 50 Points

Find the Golden Astronaut token.

A Ghostly Journey

Medals Earned: 2/8 (30/430 points)

Credits 5 Points

viewed the credits

Grave Yard Shift 25 Points

Left the grave yard

Back Outside 25 Points

Left the castle

Churchgoer 25 Points

Completed all church levels

City Slicker 50 Points

Reached the City

Code Breaker 100 Points

cracked the code on level 25

Home Sweet Home 100 Points

Completed the story

Set Them Free 100 Points

Freed all the lost souls

A Jonny Krampus

Medals Earned: 3/9 (20/280 points)

Flap Flap Flap 5 Points

Score over 1,000.

Not This Sh*t Again 5 Points

Well too bad... I was bored and wanted to play around with Jon's pretty face...

Hey! He's Cheating! 10 Points

Congratulations, you beat the AI at his own game! (Play until he crashes into a wall or something. He won't die though. Jerk...)

Krampus Krampus Krampus 10 Points

Score over 5,000.

Merry Krampus! 25 Points

Score over 10,000 as Jon.

Welcome to the Circus! 25 Points

Score over 10,000 as a hidden character.

The metakingkirby Award! 50 Points

Score over 19,600!

The Shantom Award! 50 Points

Score over 29,900!

The RobertTaylor Award! 100 Points

Mother of Arceus! Score over 111,200.

A Koopa's Revenge 2

Medals Earned: 1/22 (5/450 points)

Baby Crusher 5 Points

Kill all four babies in any level.

Compulsive Gardener 5 Points

Pluck every vegetable and destroy every weed in the oasis.

Happy Faic 5 Points

Unlock the first 11 flower faces by collecting 5000 coins.

Projectile Power 5 Points

Deal the finishing blow to a boss with a projectile weapon.

One of Seven 10 Points

Rescue one of the seven hidden Koopalings.

Switch Master 10 Points

Activate all four colours of ! blocks.

Switzerland 10 Points

Complete any level without killing an enemy or getting hit.

Tuna! 10 Points

Kill 50 Dolphins in one play session.

96* 25 Points

Use every level exit.

Reference Q. Moneybags 25 Points

Collect 20K coins and unlock all 41 flower faces.

SML2: Seventy-Five Silver Coins 25 Points

Collect all seventy-five silver coins.

Complete Septet 50 Points

Rescue all seven hidden Kooplaings.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

A Simple Snake Game

Medals Earned: 2/6 (15/200 points)

The First Five 5 Points

Collect 5 pieces of food in a row!

The Solid 25 10 Points

Collect 25 pieces of food in a row!

The Good 50 10 Points

Collect 50 pieces of food in a row!

The Amazing 100 25 Points

Collect 100 pieces of food in a row!

The Improbable 200 50 Points

Collect 200 pieces of food in a row!

The Impossible 300 100 Points

Collect 300 pieces of food in a row!

A Snack in A Castle

Medals Earned: 4/5 (200/300 points)

Bad Rocks 50 Points

Buy the rocks upgrade 5 times

Bigger isn't Always Better 50 Points

Buy the size upgrade 5 times

Hungry 50 Points

Buy the food upgrade 5 times

Need For Speed 50 Points

Buy the speed upgrade 5 times

Find The Crown 100 Points

Make it to level 75.

A Social Expirement

Medals Earned: 2/4 (30/155 points)

Well Informed 5 Points

View Instructions

Zombie Campaign 25 Points

Complete the zombie compagn

Campaign 25 Points

Complete the normal Campaign

Hoarder 100 Points

Finish the regular campaign with all weapons unlocked.

A Stick Mage Quest

Medals Earned: 6/6 (80/80 points)

I hate kids 5 Points

Now possible without mods!

It's like I'm really playing TF2 5 Points

Earn a hat

I hate chickens 25 Points

Kill every chicken in the game

Like a boss 25 Points

Kill the spider without using the mine

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

A Tale of Colours

Medals Earned: 24/27 (475/500 points)

Average Explorer 5 Points

Find an easy treasure.

Hey, at least you look neat! 5 Points

Find a....certainly unique treasure.

A jewel to the reader's eyes 10 Points

Find a readable treasure.

A treat for a Lady 10 Points

Find a lady's treasure

Airship Coin Master 10 Points

Collect every coin in the Airship Coin Race

Cave Coin Master 10 Points

Collect every coin in the Cave Coin Race

Destroyer of Heroes 10 Points

Find the treasure of the village.

Good Explorer 10 Points

Find a not very well hidden treasure.

Heavenly Dinner 10 Points

Find a delicious treasure.

Icon of the Blacksmith 10 Points

Find a design-printing treasure.

Idol of the People 10 Points

Find a gnomic treasure.

Master of Body Elevation 10 Points

Learn from the Spirit of Body Elevation

Master of Body Levitation 10 Points

Learn from the Spirit of Body Levitation

Master of F.I.S.T. 10 Points

Learn from the Spirit of Incomplete Fist

Relic of the Goddesses 10 Points

Find a rare yet slightly familiar treasure.

Sailor of the Sky 10 Points

Find the treasure on the Gnome Airship

The satisfaction of a lifetime 10 Points

Find the treasure on the waterfall

Yeah, whatever. 10 Points

Find a bored treasure.

Great Explorer 25 Points

Find a very carefully hidden treasure.

Weapon of Dreams 25 Points

Find a sparkly, sharp treasure.

Awesome Explorer 50 Points

Find an incredibly well hidden treasure.

Discover the LEGEND 100 Points

Finish the game.

Legendary Treasure Hunter 100 Points

Find every treasure in the game.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Tree Coin Master 10 Points

Collect every coin in the Tree Coin Race

Waterfall Coin Master 10 Points

Collect every coin in the Waterfall Coin Race

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!