hey thanks for the tips, I know not to rely on the lottery because I understand the astronomical odds of winning a jackpot, but it happens occasionally. Sometimes a cashier will accidentally print a one dollar ticket and the customer buys it anyway only to win millions of dollars off of it. Random things occur like that all the time, I just wish it would happen to me. :]
Btw how did you become a millionaire? I hope to win the lottery one day because kicking back and being a gamer for life and getting away from the world's problems sounds like a blast.
I inherited a lot of money, many years ago when my grandparents died. I then invested wisely. Being able to get away from the problems of the world whenever I like is definitely 'A BLAST'. I just spent about 12 weeks cruising around Australia with some dear friends, I wish it didn't have to end. But alas they had jobs to return to, so the fun had to end sooner or later. Don't rely on the lottery to become a millionaire, the odds are against you. FYI. The number 8 is the most common winning lotto number, use it the most to increase your odds.